Gingivitis (gum inflammation) is related to health problems as important and diverse as cardiovascular problems or Alzheimer’s disease. It also negatively affects the glycemic control of diabetics, and increases the risk of cerebrovascular accidents.

Gingivitis affects the supporting tissue of the teeth and in its most severe stages can lead to a progressive loss of the bone that surrounds and supports the roots of the teeth.
Although most people are aware of the risk posed by caries, they are less aware of periodontitis, which is one of the main causes of tooth loss. When gums are affected by periodontitis it can cause tooth mobility and even tooth loss. Gingivitis is the mildest stage of this disease and is seen in such obvious signs as red, swollen or easily bleeding gums.

How can orthodontics help prevent gingivitis?
Plaque is the main cause of gingivitis. If plaque is not removed daily with good brushing (and complemented with the help of regular dental cleanings at the dentist to remove tartar that does not disappear with home cleanings), plaque accumulates, damaging the gums.

Poorly positioned teeth, especially if they are crowded or crowded, can lead to gum problems. The reason for this is that poor positioning makes hygiene more difficult and favors the accumulation of food debris, which makes it easier for bacteria to thrive. If plaque is not removed, it becomes what we call tartar, which gets trapped at the base of the tooth, irritating and inflaming the gums.

On the other hand, when the teeth are well positioned, the toothbrush can access better and allows a correct cleaning of the mouth. This is one of the reasons why, when there is dental crowding, it is advisable to solve it through orthodontic treatment to prevent the accumulation of plaque from degenerating into inflammation and bleeding of the gums which, if not treated properly, can eventually lead to periodontitis.

In addition, in some cases, it is recommended that periodontally treated patients, once cured, undergo orthodontic treatment to better position their teeth, as this will improve their long-term prognosis.

At Ziving Tomas Sastre we will be happy to inform you about the health and condition of your gums!

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