70% of Spaniards would use orthodontics to improve their smile

Improving the smile is not a prohibitive matter as it was a few years ago. And not only in cost, but also in the idea that braces were only for teenagers and only they had the right to rearrange their teeth.

Things have changed, and more adults are now interested in invisalign invisible orthodontic treatment to adjust their teeth and show off a perfect smile. In fact, 70% of Spaniards are willing to wear braces.

This is corroborated by a study carried out by the Spanish Society of Invisible Orthodontics, which also states that one in four Spaniards already has orthodontic treatment on their teeth or have had it at some point in their lives.

The use of orthodontics in adults has tripled in recent years. Patients over 18 years of age occupy 38% of the applications and the 25 to 45 age group is the one that uses brackets the most. But there is no age limit: people in their 50s and 60s do not give up wearing braces either.

Even the view towards orthodontic treatment has improved and 96% of the respondents in Madrid and Barcelona in the study are familiar with the procedure and 27% have used it at some point. The percentage drops in the case of smaller Spanish cities.

Orthodontics is more than a cosmetic dental treatment. And it should never have been exclusively for adolescents, as it serves to correct undesired movements of the teeth, which over time become worn down and lose size, causing gum dislocation and even helping the appearance of cavities.

Growth also points to new orthodontic modalities. Thus, appliances that cannot be seen are highly sought after, such as incognito lingual orthodontics and, especially, invisible orthodontics.

Invisible orthodontics occupies 40% of the patients’ doubts, who seek to know in detail what this new and expanding technique is all about, which in addition to aesthetic benefits, provides a quick solution to malocclusion.

The effect of this technique is so positive that many patients do not feel the change in their teeth while the appliances are working effectively, something that the dentist can confirm in the periodic and mandatory check-ups.

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