Advice for your children to take care of their teeth from an early age.

If children eat at school and also have after-school extracurricular activities that require them to spend the day away from home, it is very important that we make sure that they perform their oral health routine correctly. Here are some simple tips to ensure optimal oral health in children.

1. Start the morning with a healthy breakfast that satiates you and can cover the energy expenditure that you are going to develop during the morning. Make sure he brushes his teeth when he finishes or do it with him to encourage him.

2. Prepare a small dental kit for him if he eats away from home. You can choose a toothbrush and toothpaste with illustrations of their favorite characters to encourage them to use it. You can also choose a flavor they like best.

3. Reduce your intake of sweets. If you prepare his lunch for him to eat during a break or at recess, make sure it does not contain a lot of sugars. The best option is to consume fruit.

4. Take your child for a dental checkup once a year. The pediatric dentist will make sure that your child’s mouth is in good health and will offer some guidelines to keep it that way.

5. Explain why it is so important to brush your child’s teeth. You should know that they will be with you throughout your life and that, if you do not clean them, you may have problems, such as cavities, which can be painful and even lead to the loss of a tooth.

Little ones tend to imitate what they see at home, so we must be their best example. In any case, if he is a bit naughty and is at an age when he likes to be a little bit naughty, you can talk to the teachers at the school so that they can keep an eye on him.

At Ziving Tomás Sastre we will be happy to inform you about children’s dental health!


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