Our pediatric dentist answers your questions:

What care does a baby’s mouth require before teething? From the day they are born, it is important to take care of babies’ mouths. After they drink milk, it is advisable to wipe the gums with gauze soaked in water (other products are not recommended) to clean them and avoid the appearance of fungus due […]

What does soap do against coronavirus?

The mechanism by which soap hinders the spread of coronaviruses is very interesting and has a scientific background. The SARS-COV2 coronavirus (this is the name of the coronavirus; COVID-19 is the name of the disease it produces) consists of 3 main parts: Genetic material (RNA) of the virus A membrane formed by a lipid bilayer […]

Hygiene of orthodontic mouths

Orthodontic treatment is no longer an exception but has become commonplace in today’s society. There are many people who, concerned about their appearance and the functional problems that may arise, decide to solve their dental malpositions and malocclusions. These treatments are becoming more efficient and less invasive and leave behind those images of teenagers with […]


Since a week ago, the little ones have been allowed to go out for an hour a day. But, are we doing these outings right? From Ziving Tomas Sastre we want to advise you on the most important measures: Masks Children under 3 years of age:not recommended. Over 3 years of age:not mandatory. They can […]

45 days of confinement. They are the champions.

Yesterday for the first time in 45 days, our children went out in the street, with different performances by them, and from Ziving we want to advise you . We cannot forget that these are children, who overnight have been deprived of school, of daily physical contact with their educators and friends. That is, its […]

Indications for orthodontic patients during confinement by COVID-19

During these days in which we must respect the rules of confinement and cannot attend the regular orthodontic visits, some doubts may arise that we try to solve for our patients What type of orthodontic appliances do you wear? The first aspect to consider is what type of appliance the patient is wearing. This can […]

What are our neighbors doing at Easter ….?

Here in Spain celebrating Easter is one of the most famous traditions and followed by all, but do we know how our European neighbors celebrate it? We have collected several traditions that we have found curious and fun at the same time. Germany Streets, squares, gardens and balconies are decorated for the celebration. Giving Easter […]

Who do we miss the most…? Grandparents

Due to care recommendations issued in the face of the coronavirus pandemic coronavirus pandemic we have to stay at home. The family is grouped at home between work at home, and the school’s virtual platforms, among other strategies, but excludes face-to-face social ties. People over 60 years of age need more attention and precautions, as […]

“Orthodontics is not simply aesthetics.”

What is Invisalign? Invisalign treatment is a virtually invisible way to align teeth. Using advanced 3D computer imaging technology, the Invisalign system displays your complete treatment plan based on your Invisalign Doctor’s evaluation, from the initial position of your teeth to the desired final position. The clear aligners are custom-made so that your teeth move […]