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With the dental health of the little ones, no excuses! 👶

At the latest, at 5 years of age, they have had to start monitoring the growth of their teeth.

What are the benefits of early EVALUATION?

1️⃣ Correct sucking or swallowing habits.

2️⃣ Make sure there is room for the missing teeth to erupt.

3️⃣ Simplifies, or directly avoids, future orthodontic treatment.

4️⃣ They learn dental hygiene habits.

We are talking about REVIEW and SUPERVISION. 🩺

It also helps them become familiar with the dentist and instruments. This will help them not to be afraid to take care of their mouth. Not even as adults. 👍

Children come to Ziving to play. 🤸‍♀️😃🎮

And the adults leave peacefully knowing that everything is in order with the smiles of the little ones.  🥰

Follow us for more tips on your children’s dental health care

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Make an appointment with our team

You will be attended by the professional team of Ziving Ortodoncia Palma de Mallorca.

We can advise you on any of your needs.