black spots on your teeth…..

What are black spots on the teeth?

The black stains that we sometimes see on teeth are due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque in areas where hygiene is inadequate or more difficult.

They are usually more retentive areas of teeth where plaque adheres more easily and poor plaque removal causes it to remain over time and begin to accumulate and calcify. In this way blackened areas begin to appear on the teeth whose treatment depends on the extent and depth they have reached.

We can say that it is not an extremely serious situation, but it should be treated as soon as possible by the dentist so that the problem does not reach a larger scale, in which the problem can have more important consequences apart from the merely aesthetic.


Treatment to remove dental black spots

If these black spots are caught in time, they are only bacterial plaque that looks like a dark stain on the tooth due to the color of all the food and beverages we consume throughout the day.

In this case, if the integrity of the tooth is not affected and the enamel underneath the stain is in perfect condition, it is sufficient to remove the stain with a dental cleaning or, in more extreme cases, with periodontal treatment. The latter will depend on how deep the bacterial plaque has reached:

  • If it is only adhered to the visible part of the tooth, above the gum, it can be removed with a simple dental cleaning.
  • If, on the contrary, the plaque is below the gum and is adhered to the root of the tooth, the only way to remove it will be with a periodontal treatment, in which once anesthesia is administered we proceed to clean the tooth in its entirety, being able to remove the plaque from the crown and root with the use of the necessary instruments.

In more advanced cases these black spots may have turned into cavities due to cavitation of the enamel. In this way the bacterial plaque has advanced through the enamel of the tooth making a hole that not only has to be cleaned but also has to be covered, being necessary the realization of a filling colloquially called filling.


Prevention, fundamental to avoid black spots

In any case, it demonstrates the importance of check-ups with our dentists. If we are not regular in our visits, we should at least go to the office if we start to see this type of stains on our teeth in order to be diagnosed in time and prevent the progression of the pathology and that the necessary treatment is as minimally invasive as possible.

Remember that maintaining proper dental and oral hygiene and visiting the dentist at least once a year to check that everything is correct should be enough to never suffer from these black spots on our teeth.

Dental esthetics is important, but in many cases in which we are concerned about dental esthetics, such as the appearance of black spots, the real danger is the dental health problems that this can cause, since esthetic alterations of the teeth and mouth are usually the prelude to a dental health problem in the short or medium term.




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