Why is it so important to to change your toothbrush after a cold? In your Ziving orthodontic clinic in Mallorca we don’t want you to catch dental infections or follow a bad dental hygiene due to a cold, so today we want to talk to you about the importance of changing your toothbrush not only every 3 months, but also after catching a cold.
In winter we are especially vulnerable to catching the dreaded colds which, in many cases, are accompanied by other infections caused by viruses or bacteria.other infections caused by viruses or bacteria..
The germs of your cold are on your toothbrush
These symptoms, for the most part, manifest themselves through the mouthWhen we clean our teeth, we are in continuous contact with these symptoms, which in turn are germs. Even if we try to brush our teeth carefully and thoroughly, it is necessary to change the toothbrush after overcoming a cold.
These germs and bacteria are in our mouth when we brush, they go to the toothbrush, and will remain there if we do not disinfect it properly. This would help catch another coldor increase the chances of infection in the mouth of a person who already tends to have oral problems.
To completely avoid these bacteria, it is important to change brushes. If it is 3 months old, it is very important to change it. If you have just bought it and you have just caught a cold, you can try with let it soak for a while in mouthwash, to remove any bacteria. But after 3 months, you will have to change it.
Change your toothbrush every 3 months
It is important, however, to protect our brush with the “caps”.which accompany toothbrushes. They are ideal for when we travel, so that the brush is protected and is not exposed to bacteria. But it is also necessary for everyday use, to protect it from other factors such as dust and insects.
It is also important to take care of these “caps”. Watering the hood from time to time or even disinfecting with mouthwash is necessary. Ideally, change toothbrushes every 3 months.
Dentists in Palma de Mallorca
If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us at Ziving Palma de Mallorca and we will help you to solve each and every one of them. Your dental health matters to us.