Cleaning the children’s lenga

The great forgotten one! Language. 👅 Have you taught your little one how to clean it?

In fact, when they are babies, and do not yet have teeth, it is more common for the mother or father to clean the baby’s mouth with a gauze moistened with water, and pass it over the tongue. 🧑🏻‍🍼

Tongue cleaning is important for children and adults: it prevents bad breath and bacteria build-up in the mouth. ⚠️

Tips for children to clean their tongues:

🪥 Use the brush itself (or the back if it has small rubber notches).

⬇ Always from top to bottom.

👅 Very loose, no harm done.

😃 Teach him to do it when he is in a good mood and receptive.

🦠 Explain the reason, to eliminate bacteria, to raise awareness.

1️⃣ Once a day is sufficient.

And we’ll leave the best advice for last: lead by example and make it fun. 🤸‍♀️ As we always do at Ziving, you come here to have fun and take care of your oral health at the same time.

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