As a mother, it’s normal for you to take an interest in your little one’s dental health: in the first 3 years of life, your supervision is essential. 💖 We tell you what you need to do! 💖

Obviously every child is different so there are no fixed rules, but here are some basic guidelines:

🟣 Under 1 year old: observe if teething begins, watch their hygiene after feedings or meals, that they do not accumulate food debris, that they become accustomed to dental hygiene routines. 🍼

🟣 Between 1 and 3 years of age: first visit to the dentist for well-child check-up. 👶 This is the time to assess whether the teeth and palate are growing properly. Preventive treatments (cleaning, fluoride, tooth brushing education…) are sometimes necessary.

🟣 Older than 3 years old: corrective treatments can be started on those children who need it in order to try to avoid more invasive and uncomfortable treatments in the future. 👧🧒

Follow us for more tips on dental health care for your children.

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