Have you already scheduled your dental cleaning?

Many adults are not aware of the importance of having your teeth cleaned on a regular basis.. But the truth is that both children and adults should visit the dentist at least once every 6 months or at most a year, to perform a dental cleaning and detect if there is another problem in the mouth, because if it is caught in time it is always better, because the mouth suffers less risk of suffering something more serious or painful.

In this article, we want to make children and adults aware of how important it is to visit the dentist. And people who tend to be at higher risk for oral diseases, should checkups more than twice a year to prevent any problems. any problems.

Are two dental visits a year enough?

It depends on the person, age and treatment. In general, visits every 6 months or yearly are ideal as long as they are within that range. But a person who is undergoing orthodontics or treatment, should go as often as the specialist advises in order to keep everything up to date and to avoid problems.

But there are many factors that could cause you to have to visit the dentist more often, such as lack of space, lack of space, consumption of sweets, alcohol, smoking, pregnancy, diabetes, diabetes, etc.
lack of space, consumption of sweets, alcohol, snuff, pregnancy, diabetes
… there are always external factors that deteriorate the gums or make us have to go to the dentist “extra”, as when a wisdom tooth comes out badly and we can’t stand the pain.

As you can see, nothing is set in stone and there are many factors that can determine whether twice a year is enough. About us, Ziving recommends that you visit the dentist at least every 6 months.. You will be able to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy, white and straight, as you have always dreamed of. It is always best to detect problems early.
If you contact us now, a Tomas Sastre-Ziving professional will be able to advise you and check any oral problems you may have. We will be happy to assist you.

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You will be attended by the professional team of Ziving Ortodoncia Palma de Mallorca.

We can advise you on any of your needs.