Importance of flossing in children

🌟 Teaching your kids to floss from a young age can prevent cavities and gum problems.

Did you know that dental floss helps clean where the toothbrush can’t reach?
🦷✨ Make it part of their daily routine!

1️⃣ Choose the right floss: choose a soft floss or floss on sticks for easy handling.

2️⃣ Show her how to do it: cut a piece of floss about 45 cm long and wrap it around the middle fingers, leaving about 5 cm of floss to work with.
Gently slide the floss between the teeth, forming a “C” around each tooth and moving it up and down.

3️⃣ Make it fun: use songs, stories or stories while they do it to keep their attention and make them enjoy the process.

4️⃣ Make it a routine: preferably before bedtime, to ensure that food debris and plaque are removed before sleeping.

5️⃣ Supervise and help: until they become proficient, help them and supervise their technique to make sure they are cleaning correctly.

Follow us for more tips on your children’s dental hygiene.

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