Adolescence, what a difficult time, isn’t it? Hormones are revolutionized, it is a complicated stage, let’s face it.

In addition to the various physical changes that occur during adolescence, dental health is also affected. And one thing that both boys and girls are concerned about at this time is physical appearance or looks. It’s normal, we’ve all been there.

They want their hair one way, dress in a different way, the clothes you bought them with so much illusion and now they refuse to wear them and of course in the case of needing orthodontics, what about wearing braces, but what if instead of wearing metal braces, or sapphire, or aesthetic braces they could wear Invisalign?

What is Invisalign

I think that in this day and age, there is little to explain about Invisalign, there are many celebrities who wear it or have worn it. But since I’m all about explaining everything just in case there’s a clueless person in the room, here I go.

Invisalign is an almost invisible treatment that aligns the teeth. It works with aligners, i.e., transparent splints that are manufactured in a completely customized way and that gradually move your teeth.

Each aligner is worn for 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the patient and his or her needs, and has numerous advantages:

  • They are almost invisible
  • The aligners (splints) are removable, i.e., you put them on and take them off whenever you want. Please note, this has guidelines.
  • You will be able to eat anything, there are no limitations as with braces.
  • Facilitates dental hygiene (flossing, interdental brushes…)
  • No wires, no brackets.
  • Reduces visits to the dentist
  • They do not cause sores typical of other bracket treatments.

Do you see the difference between braces with brackets and Invisalign?

Invisalign in adolescence: Invisalign Teen

As I said at the beginning, the physical aspect, self-confidence in adolescence is something that is very important and very present.

Invisalign Teen is the solution.

There is an age when we are very “particular” about our physique and what we may remember now as a silly thing, could have been a big problem in its day.

Wearing traditional orthodontics entails physical changes that can be seen at first glance, when smiling, anyone can see the brackets and not all teenagers may like this.

That’s why Invisalign Teen is for them.

Invisalign Teen

But what is Invisalign Teen?

This Invisalign treatment is aimed at adolescents who prefer discreet and more comfortable orthodontic treatment.

In addition, a plus point for parents is that this type of treatment eliminates emergency visits to the dentist.

  • No brackets fall off and no arches stick.
  • Stops do not fall off
  • No rubber is used up

As Invisalign is, it is virtually transparent. A very important point to take into account for those teenagers who prefer a discreet treatment as mentioned above.

Hygiene with Invisalign Teen is easier, there are no nooks and crannies where food hides. Therefore, it reduces the occurrence of caries by being able to maintain normal dental hygiene.

They must be worn 22 hours a day, so at mealtime, they must be removed. In this way, no food is limited as with other orthodontic treatments. We are talking about biting apples, snacks, hard foods such as nuts, etc.

But beware, not all orthodontists are prepared to offer this treatment to their patients. They must be certified by Invisalign, such as Dr. Tomás Sastre in Palma, without a doubt, this type of treatment is perfect for the more “flirtatious” adolescence, or for simple choice and comfort. Everything must be valued, but above all, always ask for the Invisaling certification, because imitations, as in everything, there are many.