Is your teen embarrassed about getting braces?

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They are at a stage where they care enormously about how they look. They love to upload pictures to social media with their friends and spend the day filming themselves for TikTok. 🤳
But it’s also one of the moments in our lives where we laugh the most. 😄
Don’t give up on getting braces, there are options for even the snooty teenagers. 💅
Did you know that you can wear braces with Invisalign Teen?
Specially designed for the very young or those whose teeth are still emerging.
✅ with indicators of the effective time of use
✅ provided to compensate for the dentition of canines, second premolars and second molars.
✅ 6 replacement aligners (appliances) to replace broken or lost ones.
Let the orthodontic specialist advise you on the best option.
And you, did you also wear braces?


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