Isn’t it contradictory that in order to take care of the smile we have to have a hard time?

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Isn’t it contradictory that in order to take care of the smile we have to have a hard time? 😖
The dentist takes care of our smile: oral hygiene and orthodontics are key from the time the first teeth appear. 🦷
However, a visit to the dentist doesn’t exactly raise a smile. For adults, it’s something we have to go through for our own good. But for children… bufff those arguments don’t hold water. ✋
That’s why at Ziving our main purpose is to turn that experience around. 🙃
Yes, yes, it’s not that we want them to amuse themselves a bit by painting while they wait. We go further and our staff gets involved in the games by preparing workshops and activities for them to have a great time. GENIUS. 🦸
We don’t want tears, much less fear. We are looking for smiles, laughter and the desire to come back. 😍
For your child’s next dental check-up, come and we will turn your child’s idea of a dental visit around. 🙃


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