Orthodontics in adults is becoming more and more frequent, and this means that the desire to become a mother can coincide with the desire to improve one’s smile and oral health. It should be noted that, in general, orthodontics and pregnancy are compatible and there are no factors that contraindicate such treatment at this stage.
It is true that during pregnancy a woman undergoes a series of physiological changes that make her more vulnerable to certain oral infections such as caries and gingivitis.
Orthodontics and pregnancy can be compatible. Only extreme oral care should be taken to prevent conditions such as caries and gingivitis and to avoid certain diagnostic tests.
However, with the necessary preventive measures, rigorous follow-up by the orthodontist and meticulous oral hygiene, orthodontics in pregnant women is possible and safe.
Orthodontics during pregnancy
In orthodontics during pregnancy, it is essential to take into account a series of considerations so that orthodontic treatment can be carried out successfully and without risk to the mother or the fetus. This applies not only to women who are already pregnant, but also when there is such a possibility or when trying to conceive.
This is mainly due to the following factors:
Oral health and pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting are very common during pregnancy. These factors, together with changes in saliva composition during late gestation and lactation, may predispose to erosion and dental caries.Physiological xerostomia or dry mouth is another frequent undesirable effect during pregnancy, its main cause being the hormonal changes that take place at this stage.
However, the most common clinical condition is pregnancy gingivitis, occurring in 60-75% of women. It is characterized by red, swollen, inflamed and bleeding gums. The causes of gingivitis in pregnancy are mainly due to an accumulation of bacterial plaque together with the vascular and hormonal changes inherent to pregnancy.
If gingivitis is not treated, it can evolve into periodontitis, which already involves destruction of the supporting tissues of the tooth. In addition, there are studies showing evidence that periodontitis increases the risk of undesirable pregnancy outcomes, such as premature delivery or low birth weight.
In order for orthodontic treatment in pregnancy to go smoothly, it is essential to take into account these factors regarding a woman’s oral health during pregnancy.
Dental x-rays and pregnancy
. Before starting an orthodontic procedure, it is necessary to take X-rays of the mouth and even the skull in order to make an accurate diagnosis and develop the best treatment plan.
The problem is that, during pregnancy, routine control X-rays should be avoided and only emergency X-rays are recommended.The objective is to minimize any possible risk. However, if they have to be performed, it is important to know that in this type of X-rays the radiation is minimal and extra precautions are taken to protect the fetus.
This is the reason why it is recommended to wait until delivery to start orthodontics, when the woman does not have recent X-rays.
Conversely, there is no problem if pregnancy occurs during orthodontic treatment. Previous diagnostic X-rays do not affect the health of the fetus.