Privacy Policy

Scope of the personal data protection policy

This personal data protection policy covers any data processing that may occur when browsing or interacting through any of our web pages or social networks in which we may have a presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).
Special information in the case of the use of social networks is specified at the end of this document.
It will also apply to any internal company procedure that requires the collection of data, whether in paper forms or any other system.

In any of these media, you can consult information, and in some cases fill out forms, answer surveys, participate in contests, make queries, send photographs, make comments, etc. …. and, therefore, provide us with personal data information. All processing is subject to our privacy policy.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, we inform, that the personal data you provide will be processed by SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L. with registered office at Paseo del Borne, 14 1º 07012 Palma de Mallorca Tlf: 971714694 and mail

How do we process your personal data?

Treatment PATIENTS
Purpose To manage the data of patients using the service.
Data categories Patients
Data Identification data: Name and surname, ID card number, address, telephone, e-mailHealth data
Legitimation Consent
From From the interested party
Addressees Those provided for in the regulations
Conservation time As provided for in the regulations
International Transfers There is no international transfer of data
Purpose To respond to requests for information received through the website.
Data categories Persons requesting information
Data: Name, surname, e-mail, telephone
Legitimation Legitimate interest
Origin: From the interested party itself
Recipients There are no data communications.
Conservation: Until the request has been handled.
International Transfers There are no international data transfers.
Purpose Management of the data of applicants for employment at the Center.
Data categories Persons applying for a job
Personal data: Identifying data: Name and surname, ID number, address, telephone number, e-mail addressPersonal data, social and occupation data
Legitimation Legitimate interest
Origin: From the interested party itself
Recipients There are no data communications.
Conservation: As long as the right of deletion is not exercised.
International Transfers There are no international data transfers.
Purpose Sending information about the company’s products
Data categories Persons requesting information
Data: Name, surname, e-mail, telephone
Legitimation Consent.
Consent may be revoked at any time.
Origin: From the interested party itself
Recipients There are no data communications.
Conservation: Until the right of opposition and/or deletion is exercised.
International Transfers There are no international data transfers.
Purpose Video surveillance of accesses to the facilities.
Data categories Persons accessing the facilities
Data Images
Legitimation Legitimate interest
Origin: From the interested party itself
Target audience: Law enforcement and security forces
Shelf life One month maximum
International Transfers There is no international transfer of data

Your consent may be revoked at any time.

SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L. keeps your Personal Data as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.
If the guideline is different from that indicated in this policy is detailed in the relevant document.

To whom will we disclose your information?

SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L. will only transfer your data in those services in which it is indicated and in the cases foreseen by law.

No international transfers of your personal data will be made.

In the case of social networks, all information and content published by the user will be communicated and shared with the rest of the users who consult this social network, by the very nature of the service.

Safety measures

SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L. ensures absolute confidentiality and privacy of personal data collected and therefore have taken essential security measures to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorized access or treatment and thus ensure their integrity and security.

The User agrees to make a diligent use and not to make available to third parties your username and password, also agrees to make available to the company any theft, loss or risk of access by third parties to your user.

What are your rights when you provide us with your personal data?

Law Content Channel of attention
Access You can consult the personal data managed by SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L..

Rectification You can modify your personal data when they are inaccurate.
Deletion You may request the deletion of your personal data
Opposition You may request that your personal data not be processed.
Treatment limitation

You may request the limitation to the processing of your data in the following cases:

– While your data is being checked for accuracy challenges

– When SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L. does not need to process your data, but you need them for the exercise or defense of claims.

Portability You will be able to receive in electronic format the data you have provided in electronic format.
If you believe that we have not treated your personal data in accordance with the regulations, file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
To exercise your rights, please attach a copy of your ID card or document proving your identity to your request.
The exercise of your rights is free of charge

Social networks

The operation of social networks is not under the control of SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L., and therefore the information you post will be shared by all users who consult them.
Likewise, these networks allow interaction with other users, and therefore, below are some premises that should be taken into account.

The purpose of the use of social networks is to give visibility and dissemination of the products developed by SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L..

In principle, the same data protection policy specified in this document applies to the collection, processing and transfer of data.

The user must commit to:

  • Not to publish information that does not meet the requirements of truthfulness, public interest and respect for the dignity of persons.
    In particular, the user will have to avoid any conduct that may violate the principle of non-discrimination for reasons of sex, race, religion, ideology or any other personal or social circumstance, and against privacy, honor and self-image, being the final responsible for the veracity and legality of the content he/she publishes.
  • Not to record or publish images, videos or any other type of recordings without the consent of the affected parties.

SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L. does not identify with the opinions expressed by others or with the ideology of the profiles with which it is friends in any social network.

SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L. reserves the right to remove from its social networks any information posted by others that violates the law, incites to do so, or contains messages that violate the dignity of persons or institutions.
As well as to block or denounce the profile author of these messages.

Recommendations to users

  • Please review and read the terms of use and privacy policy of the social network at the time of registration.
  • Learn the possibilities of configuration and use that the network offers.
  • Configure the degree of privacy of the user’s profile in the social network appropriately.
  • Do not publish excessive information about your personal and family life.
  • Be careful with the publication of audiovisual and graphic content on your profile, especially if images relating to third parties will be hosted.
  • Do not provide data of third parties without their prior consent.

The social networks managed by SASTRE ORTODONCIA INSULAR S.L. are:

Web Address

Last modification: September 2024