Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and also establishes the prognosis and prevents the different dental and skeletal malocclusions, in order to improve the function of the oral cavity and promote the aesthetics of the patient, both physically and psychologically.

In order to achieve the above mentioned, several types of orthodontic appliances are used, which perform forces that are transmitted to the teeth and to the different oral and maxillary structures, thus correcting the malocclusion.

The type of appliances that are most commonly used today are fixed orthodontics with brackets and removable orthodontics with invisible appliances.

Brackets are metallic or transparent devices that can be cemented on the buccal or lingual surface of the teeth that together with an archwire position the teeth correctly.

Removable orthodontics with invisible appliances, such as Invisalign, is a removable transparent splint, i.e. that can be put on and removed, which together with attachments cemented to the teeth of the same color as these, perform the necessary and controlled forces to allow the desired tooth movement.

What should toothbrushing with orthodontics be like?

Proper oral hygiene is of great importance, especially for those who wear fixed orthodontics, since food debris and dental plaque accumulate more easily on the surfaces of the teeth and orthodontic appliances. They are also at greater risk of suffering from oral diseases such as gingivitis, caries or halitosis (bad breath).

Oral brushing should be performed after each meal in order to thoroughly clean the teeth as well as the surfaces of the orthodontic appliances. The brush should be a medium consistency brush and the brushing should be done with emphasis on the areas where the orthodontic appliance is present, such as the brackets.

Wearers of removable orthodontics, such as Invisalign, should remove their aligners before each meal and brush their teeth using proper oral hygiene technique. In addition, the aligners should be cleaned after each meal by washing with water and with a special brush and paste for prostheses. Also before being placed back in the mouth. oral hygiene should be supervised in front of a mirror in order to improve the brushing technique and perform it properly.

Is interdental hygiene necessary?

Oral brushing only cleans the vestibular, lingual or palatal and occlusal surfaces, but neglects the interdental or interproximal surfaces of the teeth.

In order to properly sanitize the interproximal surface of the teeth, it is of great importance to use complementary elements to the toothbrush and thus perform a complete oral hygiene.

Accessories include dental floss, interproximal brushes and threaders or special floss such as SuperFloss.

What toothpaste and mouthwash should I use if I have braces?

Oral hygiene should be carried out with the use of a special toothpaste for each specific situation and age.

During orthodontic treatment, due to the placement of orthodontic appliances, the teeth are weakened and some parts of them are demineralized. It is recommended to use a fluoride toothpaste, i.e. a toothpaste with a high fluoride content (with a minimum of 1000ppm of fluoride ion) in order to prevent oral pathologies such as dental caries.

Can orthodontic appliances get in the way?

Orthodontic appliances in the initial stages of treatment and after periodic visits with the orthodontic specialist may cause some discomfort due to the pressure they are exerting to move the teeth.

In special situations, the wires of fixed orthodontics, such as brackets, can cause chafing or pinching of the lips or jugal mucosa, so there is a special product that the orthodontist can provide, which is orthodontic wax. To avoid chafing, it is recommended to place a ball of wax in the area where it bothers and thus prevent or cure chafing.

From Ziving Tomas Sastre, we recommend following the guidelines and advice given by the orthodontic specialist. In addition, to attend regular appointments to be able to perform follow-up checks and thus perform orthodontics successfully and less time.

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