Tomás Sastre,
Orthodontics in Palma de Mallorca

My name is Tomás Sastre (Palma de Mallorca, 1959), I am a doctor, dentist and specialist in orthodontics at the University of Valencia, with the qualification of outstanding as a doctor.

In 1988, we opened our specialized orthodontic center in Palma de Mallorca, where we have treated more than 20,000 patients.

After 10 years in the profession, in 1997, we became part of a unique project called Sonríe. We wanted patients to enjoy orthodontics, with high quality treatments and very positive experiences.

The diffusion of Sonríe was such that there are currently 12 centers distributed throughout Spain, where around 150 professionals work, and where more than 100,000 treatments have been performed.
orthodontic treatments

We have always believed in the challenge of doing things differently and thanks to our transgressive thinking, Sonríe undergoes a change and thanks to a great effort in 2005 was born.

With Ziving we started a magical stage that after 20 years is still surprising the little ones and the not so little ones.

Tomas Sastre Alzamora

Career Path

I have always believed in the challenge of doing things differently where patients enjoy orthodontics through high quality treatments and very positive experiences.


  • Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona, with the qualification of EXCELLENT (1976-1982).
  • Specialist in Stomatology from the University of Valencia. (1984-1986).
  • Postgraduate degree in Orthodontics from the University of Valencia (1986-1988).
  • Juan Carol Award for the best first communication of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics in 1990.
  • Degree of Stomatologist University Specialist in Orthodontics from the University of Oviedo 1996.

Professional Experience

  • Diplomate Member of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics (SEDO) (1995).
  • President of the XLV Annual Meeting of the Spanish Orthodontic Society in 1999.
  • Professor in charge of the Department of Orthodontics of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Balearic Islands. UIB.ADEMA (2020).
  • Associate Professor of the Chair of Orthodontics at the University of Barcelona (1991-1992).
  • President of the Scientific Commission of the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the Balearic Islands (1991-1995).
  • Accreditation in INVISALIGN since 2005 (INVISALING), category DIAMOND.
  • Participant of the Inter University Cooperation Programme Erasmus.
  • Member of the SEDO (Spanish Society of Orthodontics).
  • Member of AESOR (Association of Orthodontic Specialists).
  • Member of the Board of Directors of AESOR (Spanish Association of Orthodontics).
  • Member of SEDA (Spanish Society of Aligners).
  • Member of the AAO (American Association of Orthodontics).
  • Member of the EOS (European Association of Orthodontics).
  • Member of the WFO (World Federation of Orthodontics).
  • Member of the College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the Balearic Islands (col.253).
  • Member of the College of Physicians of the Balearic Islands (col.2970).
  • Author of the chapter “Radicular resorption associated with orthodontic treatment” of the book “Radicular resorption associated with orthodontic treatment”.
  • “Multidisciplinary Orthodontics” by Dra. Margarita Varela.
  • Lecturer of multiple courses and conferences.
  • Author of several scientific publications.
  • More than 20,000 orthodontic cases treated.
  • Exclusive practice in pediatric and adult orthodontics for 34 years (Sept. 1988).