Who came up with the idea to create the world’s funniest children’s dental clinic? 💡

Who came up with the idea to create the world’s funniest children’s dental clinic? 💡
Today instead of him recording a video, we are going to introduce you to him: Dr. Tomás Sastre.
The creator of the Ziving project in Palma de Mallorca. Who bet from the beginning for a model of exercising his profession as a specialist in orthodontics very different from the traditional one. 🔀
➰ How is it different? ➰
Instead of focusing on the treatment itself, what he proposes is to put himself in the shoes of his patients and worry about how they live their experience during the treatments. 💕
Stop thinking only about dental correction and orthodontic treatment and turn it into a very special experience. Fun and very exciting! 😄
It is very clear to him that the experience children have when they go to the dentist will influence how he will deal with the care of his mouth now and as an adult. 🦷
And if he had to put a rocket in his clinic to do so, he didn’t hesitate to do so. He enjoys his work and so do the children. 🚀😝
If your visits to the dentist as a child had been magical experiences, would the feelings you have when you think about going to the dentist have changed at all? 😰

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