Why are your children afraid of the dentist?

There are fewer and fewer reasons why children are afraid of the dentist and it is more clearly established that this fear comes from negative or inherited beliefs.

With the help of technological advances, dentists are now less scary. Some treatments no longer require syringes or lathes, so fear is going out of fashion. Less in adults.

It has been shown that children with the habit of visiting the dentist from their early years do not feel the so-called odontophobia, an anxiety disorder that most of those who suffer from it prefer to avoid visiting the dentist.

But they have worse results: not going to the dentist when we need to, or not regularly checking our oral health, has serious consequences on our overall health.

The comments and attitude of the parents in the office determine the attitude of the children and the attitude they will have in the future.

Adults can reduce their anxiety with information and by choosing professionals and institutions that guarantee well-being and relaxation during dental care. But in children fear is irrational and it is very difficult to fight it.

Tips for overcoming fear of the dentist:

-Inquire why he/she is afraid. Many times it’s because of something he heard or was told, or the influence of videos and cartoons.

-Explain the importance of keeping your mouth healthy if it is a routine visit, or why dental care is important if you have bite problems or cavities.

-Visit the dental center before the consultation, so that the patient can get to know it and become familiar with the environment, instruments, procedures, noises and smells.

-Accompany him and maintain a calm and optimistic attitude. Talk to the dentist and encourage the child to do so as well.

-If the child is afraid, support him/her in verbalizing it. Dentists are prepared to respond appropriately.

-Ensure that the dentist maintains good communication with the child and explains each of the maneuvers to be performed.

-Teach the child some relaxation and breathing techniques. If the case is severe, cognitive behavioral therapies have recently been developed that can help.

At ZivingTomás Sastre we have a team of dentists that will make your children’s visits as fun and pleasant as possible.

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