Why is it important to choose the right dental center?

You are probably aware that the dental clinic chains Funnydent have closed their centers. They involved a total of 9 clinics, 7 in Madrid and 2 in Barcelona. And they followed a concept of low-cost dental chains.

We believe that it is very important for dental health and hygiene to choose the right dental center. At Ziving we perform orthodontic treatments for adults and children for adults and children in Palma, we are reliable, professional and years of work behind us.

We know that it is not possible to offer quality, service, technology, human resources and low prices. So much so that the
Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Madrid (COEM), considers that this is a consequence of the current legislation, because practically any individual or private company can open a clinic.
(COEM), considers that this is a consequence of the current legislation, because practically any private individual or company can open a clinic.

There are many low cost” clinics that have been denounced for irregularities and few guarantees. In many of these clinics, you are offered treatments that in other centers would have a high price, at much lower prices. When this happens, you have to think, why is this happening? what are they skimping on? Are they qualified professionals?


Choose a professional dental center, choose Ziving

At Ziving we believe it is very important to choose a professional dental center, with years of experience in the field and that offers good guarantees, both for you and your children. We have a professional team of dentists for children in PalmaWe are specialists in orthodontics for children and adults in Mallorca.

It is centers like Ziving, with a long history in their cities, well-known and prestigious, with a clear strategy focused on patient protection and in defense of quality and a job well done, that have the trust of many families over the years.

If you are undergoing treatment in a clinic affected by the closure or one that does not inspire confidence, contact your nearest Ziving center and we will help you to successfully complete your treatment with all the guarantees that you will find in Ziving. orthodontic treatment. Remember that we are your Orthodontic Center in Palma and Mallorca.

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You will be attended by the professional team of Ziving Ortodoncia Palma de Mallorca.

We can advise you on any of your needs.