Hygiene of orthodontic mouths

Orthodontic treatment is no longer an exception but has become commonplace in today’s society. There are many people who, concerned about their appearance and the functional problems that may arise, decide to solve their dental malpositions and malocclusions. These treatments are becoming more efficient and less invasive and leave behind those images of teenagers with unsightly and annoying braces.

Nowadays, orthodontic treatments are not only performed in childhood; there are many adults who, after years of suffering from malpositions, opt to treat this problem.

Nowadays, treatments will depend on the degree of malocclusion of each patient, but, basically, they can be divided between those using fixed and mobile appliances. The latter can be removed at any time, and the former remain fixed to the tooth structure. Both apply forces to force the teeth into place.

The very structure of the appliances is the ideal place for the formation of oral biofilm, where food debris and dental plaque accumulate and are more difficult to remove, which can lead to gingivitis, caries or halitosis (bad breath), among other conditions.

Oral hygiene in these patients is key to prevent further complications. If any person must take care of their oral hygiene every day, when wearing orthodontics, hygiene must be more exhaustive and attentive. The very structure of the appliances is the ideal place for the formation of oral biofilm, where food debris and dental plaque accumulate and are more difficult to remove, which can lead to gingivitis, caries or halitosis (bad breath), among other conditions.

In the case of removable appliances, cleaning should be divided between the cleaning of the appliance itself and the cleaning of the mouth. For the former, effervescent cleaning tabletsare available for the correct removal of biofilm that may appear on the devices. At the same time, the mouth should be thoroughly cleaned by brushing and rinsing.

More conscientious work must be done in patients with fixed appliances. The brackets, the pieces glued to each tooth and the arches that join the brackets are elements that easily retain food debris. A first step is to have our orthodontist explain the removal technique. It is based on proper cleaning and interdental brushing, for which a manual or electric toothbrush is used, especially those with a small head or specific for orthodontics, in the shape of a ‘v’, which help to reach any part of the appliance. Special emphasis should be placed on both brackets and teeth, not forgetting the gums and palate.

Interproximal brushes, dental floss and dental tape, mouthwashes and, as a complement, oral irrigators to reach those places that are more difficult to access.

Our dentist may also recommend the use of a plaque developer at the beginning of treatment. It is a very useful technique to know if we are performing a correct oral hygiene and consists of rinsing with a substance (erythrosine) after brushing. The areas that are not well cleaned, those that contain biofilm, will be stained red and thus we will detect where we should place more emphasis.

At the same time, our specialist will also recommend eating habits that will help us to keep the appliances and our mouth in perfect condition. In particular, the reduction as much as possible of sugary foods or foods rich in complex carbohydrates, since they adhere to the teeth, feed the biofilm and can cause the appearance of caries. Likewise, you should avoid chewing hard or stony foods (almonds, olives, etc.), which can cause an element of the appliance to come loose or break, as well as sticky foods.


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