Smile and forget about problems

Laughing without making a sound, that’s what smiling means. An action that we carry out many times throughout the day for different reasons. Each one of us has some problems in our lives. However, smiling for different reasons will help us in a beneficial way and, above all, will improve our general well-being. Likewise, smiling, […]

3 ways to prioritize your family’s smiles this year.

Keep a nice family smile this year. Here are 3 tips that will help you not to neglect your smile and the smile of those you love the most. 1. Take your child before age 7 to an orthodontist for his or her first checkup. Do not wait for a referral from a dentist. They […]

When is the best time to begin orthodontic treatment?

For parents, the development of their children’s teeth is very important. As they grow up, the worries begin… Will everything be all right, should my child have braces, is he/she too young to take to the orthodontist, is he/she too young to take to the orthodontist? In many cases, parents begin to pay attention to […]


When it comes to undergoing orthodontic treatment, many doubts and fears arise due to the misinformation and myths that circulate about orthodontic appliances. Questions such as, is it harmful, do I have to follow a special diet, or is it just a question of esthetics? Today we want to resolve these and many other doubts […]

Are you pregnant and have a dry mouth?

Here’s what could be causing it and some other information you should know Pregnant, dry mouth Would it surprise you to discover that up to 20% of people suffer from dry mouth, including pregnant women? Everyone knows that pregnancy is a time of total excitement and happiness, but it can also be a not-so-fun time […]

Sant Sebastià, patron saint of Palma

Today, January 20 is the feast day of Saint Sebastian, a saint that has been venerated in a large number of cities (including my city, Palma de Mallorca). In the past it was considered as a protector of the population against the plague. That is why we will dedicate an entry writing some data about […]


We all know that undergoing teeth whitening in Palma is an excellent option to give a good image to our teeth in a short time, but we must not forget that we must have healthy teeth taking care of them every day. One of the most important elements in our oral hygiene routine is toothpaste. […]

Sant Antoni gloriós…..

Dimonis , gloses beneides, espinagades and foguerons fill with life and color the villages of the Part Forana every January on the occasion of San Antoni, one of the most important and deeply rooted traditional festivities in Mallorca. One of the best known elements of Sa Festa, are the “gloses”, which form an important legacy […]

What the teeth tell

We may feel surprised to read about “the language of teeth“, but language is not only the ability to use articulated sounds or style and way of speaking and writing, which logically teeth do not have, however they are able to “tell” many things about individuals, to such an extent that they allow us to […]

Dental trauma: How to treat it and what to do?

Accidents happen without warning, and the only way to deal with them is to be prepared. Therefore, it is best to be informed about how to act when there is any trauma to the body, especially if it is dental. Dental trauma is one of the most serious problems and one of the main reasons […]