Why is it important to choose the right dental center?

You are probably aware that the dental clinic chains Funnydent have closed their centers. They involved a total of 9 clinics, 7 in Madrid and 2 in Barcelona. And they followed a concept of low-cost dental chains. We believe that it is very important for dental health and hygiene to choose the right dental center. […]

Pediatric dentistry: frequently asked questions

Do you know the differences between a general dentist and a pediatric dentist?? From the Viving orthodontic center in Mallorca, we want to help you not to have doubts about pediatric dentistry, because there are many people who daily ask us these questions in the office. Today we have collected them all for you, so […]

Adult Orthodontics

Do you want to undergo orthodontic treatment in Palma de Mallorca? You don’t know how happy we are to hear that, because you are very close to completely change your life and start wearing a nice smile, because you deserve it! From Ziving, your orthodontic center in Mallorca, we offer you the best orthodontic treatments […]

Why do children seem to do the opposite of what is asked of them?

When children’s behavior includes a tantrum or they respond “no” to what is asked of them, parents feel challenged. But from Ziving, your Orthodontics center in Palma de Mallorca, we know how important education and good habits are for the little ones, that’s why we always teach them values that we consider to be the […]

Knocks on the teeth, what should we do?

Are the teeth frequently knocked out? Children are children. They love to run, have fun, chase each other, jump over impossible places, climb trees… children from an early age seek to surpass themselves every day, so they are exposed to a possible and irreparable blow to the teeth, what should we do if this happens? […]

Safe eating during family travel

Family travel is wonderful and we all love it, but it is important to be aware and eat safely while traveling. Because from Ziving, your orthodontic clinic in Palma de Mallorca, we know that water can be a vehicle for germs or toxins capable of causing diseases or affecting your oral hygiene, so it is […]

Ziving is orthodontics: children’s orthodontics

Are you looking for an orthodontic clinic in Palma de Mallorca to put orthodontics on your children? At Ziving is orthodontics, we are specialists in orthodontics for children. We always want to create a magical environment for your children, so that from an early age they can learn oral care habits and learn to do […]

Why is it important to choose the right dental center?

As you may have seen in the news, the Funnydent dental clinic chain has abruptly closed its centers. They were positioned by price and had nine clinics, seven of them in the Community of Madrid and two in the province of Barcelona. The fall of Funnydent will not be the last in this type of […]