Kissing is beneficial for our oral health

A kiss is the most frequently used gesture of affection between people. But did you know that kissing can have positive health effects? When we kiss we move up to 36 muscles that help prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Our heartbeat becomes agitated in a few seconds. Kissing is not only a pleasant and romantic moment, but also beneficial to our well-being.

A kiss releases endorphins into the body that are responsible for making us feel good and happy, so a kiss is a good natural antidepressant. They improve our mood and work as natural antidepressants, they also dilate blood vessels, reducing pain. Furthermore, by kissing we reduce stress, tension and anxiety, improving our general state of well-being and raising our self-esteem.

These are general health benefits, but what does it do for oral health?

1- Kissing activates the salivary glands producing an excess of saliva that regulates the PH of the oral cavities, decreases bacterial plaque and halitosis.

2- The increase in saliva caused by kissing counteracts dry mouth and neutralizes oral acids that cause dental erosionand prevents caries.

3- The production of endorphins that increase the level of happiness can reducetoothache as they reduce physical pain.

4- Kissing reduces tension and has a relaxing effect on the jaw, improving cases of bruxism (teeth grinding).

5- A kiss can be considered the best natural cleaning for our mouth due to the increase of saliva.

That’s why, from Ziving we advise you to kiss each other a lot. !!!!

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