Knocks on the teeth, what should we do?

Are the teeth frequently knocked out?

Children are children. They love to run, have fun, chase each other, jump over impossible places, climb trees… children from an early age seek to surpass themselves every day, so they are exposed to a possible and irreparable blow to the teeth, what should we do if this happens?

As soon as the child reaches the first year of life, he or she goes from crawling to walking. Falls are common and they lack that “reflex” that makes them bring their hands to the ground, so blows to the incisor teeth occur on a regular basis.

When the child is between 6 and 9 years old, games and sports are more active and adult supervision is no longer the same as in the preschool stage. This means that the baby incisors are about to fall out or the permanent teeth have just erupted.

As a result, these are the age ranges when most dental trauma occurs in the youngest children. From Ziving, dentists for children in Palma, we want to help you to know what to do in these cases.

What to do when a child suffers a dental trauma?

  • First of all, to reduce the child’s anxiety. The child will be crying and very nervous, both parents and child should relax.

Two situations may arise:

  1. After suffering the trauma, the child has teeth in the mouth.
  2. A tooth is missing after the blow.

If all teeth are in the mouth, you should check for tooth movement or missing tooth fragments. In addition, you should also check if the child bites as he/she used to. However, we recommend that for safety reasons you go to a referral dental center such as Ziving.

  • What to do if you are missing a tooth fragment? The first thing to do is to look for it. If it is large, keep it in a safe place to prevent it from dehydrating and go to your dental referral center as soon as possible. At Ziving we always take care of our customers, so we will attend to you urgently as soon as possible.

If the broken part is small, the dentist will polish the tooth, but if it is large, he will glue the broken piece to the tooth with special adhesives.

  • What to do if a tooth is missing? First of all, it is necessary to look for it and, if found, without rubbing it, store it in milk or saline solution (or saliva). Then, promptly go to the dentist. It is very important that you do not scrape the root of the tooth. What will the dentist do? Reimplant the tooth if it is permanent dentition. Such treatment is not contemplated for milk teeth, since there is a risk of injury to the tooth germ.

With respect to other types of damage, such as tooth knocks in infants, these often go unnoticed. And it is usually the parents, much later, who detect a change in coloration (especially in the upper incisors). And it can be gray, yellowish or pinkish. What is the reason for this? To an inflammation or death of the nerve of the tooth.

In any of these cases, it is very important to turn to your trusted team of dentists for children in Palma. At Ziving es ortodoncia, we will assess the most appropriate treatment for this tooth, always controlling and avoiding injury to the permanent tooth germ.

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