“Please mom, can we NOT go back to the other dentist? I want us to always come here.”

This is a true story. It happened to us recently with one of our small patients.

A family came to our clinic for the first time a few days ago. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 For her two children, it wasn’t their first time at the dentist…

It is clear that they did not expect to HAVE FUN. This is a priority for Ziving. ⭐️

We are very concerned about your family’s oral health. But also that the experience is positive. It is the best way for them not to reject from a young age the idea that going to the dentist is something that is scary or generates rejection. 😣

Our specialty is children. And we know they are super sincere. They still have no filter when it comes to expressing their opinion. And opinions like this are what motivate us day in and day out. 💗
Do you know what memories your children have of their last visit to the dentist? Please tell us about it. It is very helpful for us to hear from you.

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