and foguerons fill with life and color the villages of the Part Forana every January on the occasion of San Antoni, one of the most important and deeply rooted traditional festivities in Mallorca.
One of the best known elements of Sa Festa, are the “gloses”, which form an important legacy of popular Mallorcan culture. Here I have collected a few
Sant Antoni gloriós
de Viana anomenat
sigau nostro advocat
de tot perill guardau-mos.
Sant Antoni para lloves
per dins mates i clapers
per guanyar quatre doblers
per comprar sabates noves.
Sant Antoni goes by sea
ringing a bell
with his guitar
all the fishes he makes dance.
Noltros som una quadrilla
que venim a refrescar
tant si es Toni com Tonina
sa botella m’heu de dar.
Sant Antoni de Viana
dia desset de gener
qui beu primer i darrer
sempre beu de bona gana.
Many happy returns to all the Tonis and Tonines, and don’t forget to take care of the animals you have at home!!!!