Self-esteem of children and adolescents

From the Ziving Orthodontics centers we believe that self-esteem for children and adolescents is very important and that it influences their growth stage.

Self-esteem in children or adolescents is defined as an organized set of perceptions, feelings and beliefs held about oneself. And that it can have an excessive influence on behavior.

As they grow older, children as young as 10 years old are the first to adopt more realistic behaviors caused by low self-esteem, because they begin to understand and realize those “defects” that often prevent them from smiling, such as a healthy mouth.

How to improve children’s self-esteem?

  1. Accept the child as he/she is, with his/her qualities and defects. And remind him of his qualities in front of everyone!
  2. Be positive with your child.
  3. Spend time talking with the child about what is bothering him or her.
  4. It recognizes your effort, what you do right and what you do wrong. As well as their capabilities and skills.
  5. You can invite him or her to participate in daily activities and other tasks.
  6. Help him/her adapt to the school environment. You can try to make friends with mothers/parents to establish that relationship between the little ones, for shy children it is a help.
  7. Never compare. This will reduce their self-esteem.
  8. Be realistic, but there are ways and ways of doing and saying things.
  9. Educate your child and encourage respect.
  10. Give your child lots of affection, hugs, kisses, show him that he can count on you and that you will not get angry even if he does something wrong, otherwise he will lose confidence in you because he will be afraid of you.
  11. If you have to make a value judgment, do it because of what the child does.
  12. It nurtures their self-esteem.


These are the tips that we recommend mothers and fathers to follow in order to increase their children’s self-esteem. It is important to follow them, because they will improve the quality of life of the little ones.

Sometimes, our children see defects in themselves compared to other children, such as “crooked teeth”, a common problem that begins to appear as early as 8 years old. A orthodontic treatment could give her that dose of self-esteem she needs, because at 2 years old she’ll be sporting a picture-perfect smile. What better gift for your little ones than a smile!

Do not hesitate to consult our “Ziving es ortodoncia” centers with orthodontic treatments and dentists for children in Palma de Mallorca.we will be happy to help you.

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