We all know that undergoing teeth whitening in Palma is an excellent option to give a good image to our teeth in a short time, but we must not forget that we must have healthy teeth taking care of them every day. One of the most important elements in our oral hygiene routine is toothpaste. Do we know the types of toothpaste available?

Different types of toothpaste

Among the many proposals that can be found in the market are the anti-cavities, one of the most common varieties. They stand out for their high fluoride content and for fighting plaque, helping the remineralization process and reducing tooth sensitivity.

Others are more suitable for tooth sensitivity due to their chlorhexidine or potassium nitrate content. This can clog the pores that occur in the dentin and can connect with the nerves of the tooth, causing a reaction to flavors and different temperature changes.

We can also find it against periodontal diseases, composed of a wide spectrum of components such as the aforementioned chlorhexidine, hexitidine, triclosan, etc. This helps to fight the appearance of gingivitis. This kind of toothpaste must be prescribed by a dentist.

Anti-plaque toothpaste is designed to protect gums and teeth against bacterial activity. We can find them with essential oils and also chlorhexidine to enhance their effect.

We must not forget the existence of those known as “all-in-one“, with a combination of ingredients and specific active ingredients, with which many problems that a mouth may have can be treated.

No matter which one is chosen, for a good effectiveness it is advisable that a professional studies the needs of the mouth of each person, and based on this, recommends the most appropriate toothpaste.

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