Why should children have regular dental check-ups?

Dental check-up of children is very important and should be done on a frequent basis, as their organism and body are constantly and rapidly changing.

And in one of these reviews, a problem may be detected in time, as a result of one of these changes.

Dentists recommend that children visit the dentist for the first time at one to one and a half years of age to make sure that the baby teeth erupt correctly and that they do not have any abnormalities.

At this stage of life, the most common problems are usually related to bite and tooth misalignment.

Afterwards, regular and control visits should be made to reinforce the habit of dental hygiene.

But another important visit should be made between the ages of 6 and 7, when the permanent teeth begin to erupt. This is the right time to see if any type of correction is needed to avoid a major problem in the future.

If necessary, these check-ups will lead to preventive treatments for the correction of the teeth, such as preventive orthodontics.

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