Adult orthodontics in Palma de Mallorca

At Tomás Sastre, we specialize in providing orthodontic solutions for adults to achieve radiant and healthy smiles in Palma de Mallorca. Our customized approach and advanced technology guarantee exceptional results.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial problems, such as malocclusions and dental misalignments. Its main objective is to achieve a correct bite and an aesthetically pleasing smile.

When is orthodontics necessary?

The need for orthodontics can vary depending on the individual characteristics of each person and the evaluation of an orthodontist. Although each case is unique, there are certain common indicators that may signal the need for orthodontic treatment. Some of these indicators include:

  • Malocclusions are irregularities in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together when the mouth is closed. These discrepancies can involve problems such as overbite, where the upper teeth excessively cover the lower teeth, or crossbite, where the upper and lower teeth do not meet correctly when closing the mouth. Malocclusions can cause functional and esthetic problems, affecting chewing, speech and facial appearance.
  • Irregularities in the position of the teeth and jaw are deviations in the normal placement of the teeth and jaw. It may include crowded, crooked or irregularly spaced teeth, as well as jaw misalignments. These irregularities not only affect the esthetic appearance of the smile, but can also have implications on oral function, causing problems such as difficulty in biting, chewing and speaking. Correcting these irregularities not only seeks to improve esthetics, but also to promote the patient’s overall oral and facial health.

It can begin in childhood, and more and more adults are seeking treatment to improve esthetics and dental function.

Benefits of orthodontics in Palma de Mallorca

  • Improved dental esthetics: Orthodontics not only corrects dental alignment, but also significantly improves the esthetics of your smile. By aligning the teeth, we achieve a more harmonious and attractive appearance, which can increase your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Correction of bite problems: Orthodontics addresses bite problems such as overbite, crossbite or open bite. These corrections not only improve oral function, but also prevent long-term problems such as uneven tooth wear and jaw stress.
  • Prevention of abnormal tooth wear: By correcting the alignment of the teeth, orthodontics contributes to an even distribution of the bite force. This prevents abnormal tooth wear, protecting your teeth over time and preserving their original structure.
  • Facilitation of oral hygiene: Correctly aligned teeth are easier to clean. Orthodontics makes brushing and flossing easier, reducing the risk of cavities, gum disease and other dental problems. Good oral hygiene is essential to maintain oral health during and after treatment.
  • Contribution to better overall oral health: Orthodontics goes beyond aesthetics, contributing to better overall oral health. By correcting bite and alignment problems, long-term problems such as gum disease, premature tooth loss and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems are prevented.

Orthodontic treatments in Palma de Mallorca

Find the adult orthodontic treatment in Palma de Mallorca that best suits you.

We are committed to the smiles of the little ones.

Orthodontic treatment procedure

The orthodontic treatment procedure is a personalized process that begins at the first consultation.

1. First consultation: Assessment and planning

During the first consultation, the orthodontist performs a thorough evaluation of the mouth and jaw. X-rays and photographs are taken to obtain a complete view of the tooth structure. The patient discusses his or her esthetic and functional concerns, setting goals for treatment.

2. Diagnosis and treatment plan

With the information gathered, the orthodontist establishes a diagnosis and develops a personalized treatment plan. The recommended approach, estimated treatment time and available options such as traditional braces, Invisalign or lingual orthodontics are explained to the patient.

3. Impression taking and modeling

In some cases, impressions of the mouth can be taken to create accurate dental models. These models serve as a reference for designing the tooth movement plan.

4. Placement of brackets or aligners

At the next appointment, the selected treatment is placed: traditional braces, Invisalign or lingual braces. In the case of traditional brackets, each bracket is bonded to the teeth with a special adhesive. For Invisalign, a series of customized aligners is provided.

5. Adjustments and regular follow-up

Throughout treatment, regular appointments are scheduled to make adjustments and evaluate progress. Brackets may need periodic adjustments as Invisalign patients change to new aligners according to the established plan.

6. Maintenance of oral hygiene

Guidance is provided on dental care during treatment, emphasizing the importance of good oral hygiene. Tools and tips are provided to ensure that teeth and brackets are kept clean and healthy.

7. Completion of treatment

Once the desired dental alignment has been achieved, the brackets are removed or the use of aligners is terminated. Final touch-ups can be performed as needed to perfect the position of the teeth.

8. Retention: Preserving results

Retention appliances are provided to prevent the teeth from returning to their original position. The patient continues to attend follow-up appointments to ensure stable results.

Frequently Asked Questions Orthodontics in Palma de Mallorca

We recommend orthodontics for adults of any age. Dental health and esthetics are aspects that can be improved at any time of life. There is no age limit for a healthier and more attractive smile.

The duration of orthodontic treatment in adults is variable and depends on the complexity of the case. In general terms, treatments usually take between 18 and 24 months. However, each patient is unique, and during your consultation, we will evaluate your specific case and provide a more accurate estimate.

Technological advances in orthodontics have significantly improved the comfort of treatment. Although it is possible to experience temporary discomfort, this is generally manageable and is considered a normal part of the adjustment process. The long-term benefits outweigh any temporary discomfort, contributing to a better aligned and healthier smile.

Adult orthodontics not only improves esthetics, but also prevents long-term oral problems such as gum disease and premature tooth loss.

Yes, orthodontics can be combined with other dental treatment, such as
teeth whitening
or restorations. During the consultation, we will discuss options customized to your needs.

Modern orthodontics, such as Invisalign, minimizes lifestyle disruptions. Removable aligners allow you to eat without restrictions and maintain a normal oral care routine.

After treatment, we recommend the use of retainers and maintaining good oral hygiene. We will schedule regular check-ups to ensure the stability of the results.